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Transformation: Pluto in Aquarius

Grandmother Flordemayo

Today Pluto, the celestial body associated with massive, long-term transformation, is shifting into the sign of Aquarius. This is the first time it has entered Aquarius in two and a half centuries. It is the planet farthest from the sun in astrology. Intensity, passion, determination, power, control, and transformation are themes related to Pluto. It is often referred to as a generational or transpersonal planet since its distant position is expected to shape society over a longer period. In terms of our personal development, it will help to remember that there is always darkness before dawn, and Pluto doesn't hesitate to go deep to help us see things more clearly. While this planetary journey could deliver a few tough lessons, it can also remind us of our strength as it brings forth a newfound sense of empowerment. This major celestial event will affect each zodiac sign, especially rising signs, differently.

Aquarian energy is cutting-edge and inventive, pushing us to progress as a whole society. Despite Aquarius being a Water sign, it is an Air sign and, therefore, deeply entangled in the mental realm. The visionary realms of Aquarius stir the winds of change and broaden our vision beyond our individual lives and experiences. Free-thinking and progressive, Aquarius strives to do the greatest good for the most people. We'll be uniquely positioned to find unity where it matters most. However, major pushback and conflict will likely occur before a resolution can be reached.

Here is How Each Sun & Rising Sign May be Affected:
  • Aries: This celestial event will bring gradual but profound changes to areas of your life related to your highest ideals and friendships. Your social circle may change during this period. Power rises naturally. Always remember teamwork allows transformation.

  • Taurus: Collective enterprises grow, with Pluto in Aquarius over the next two decades. Economic benefits flow through collaboration. Prepare to have your ambition grow. This decades-long transit into a part of the sky will profoundly change your career and public reputation over the next two decades.

  • Gemini: Transformational Pluto is dipping into Aquarius, your expansive ninth house, and leaving your intense eighth house Capricorn. As you may have felt like you've been stuck in a shadowy period, that will change, and you will step into the light.

  • Cancer: Pluto embodies themes around renewal and evolution; you’ll feel more inspired than ever to step into the roles you’ve fantasized about finally taking on, although those close to you may have difficulty keeping up. Remember that strength, worth, value, and wealth come from within.

  • Leo: You will settle your thoughts on love and companionship as Pluto moves into Aquarius and the sector of your chart that governs relationships. Love will always be the strongest glue holding us together. With Pluto in Aquarius, teamwork and partnership are the keys to success in the next two decades.

  • Virgo: Pluto entering Aquarius starts a 20-year phase of revelation and healing. A strong urge to help others live their best lives will act as a guiding force for you throughout the next 20 years. The themes of evolution and rebirth recur during this period.

  • Libra: A strong desire to express yourself will come from within as Pluto’s journey through Aquarius activates the sector of your chart that governs your creativity and talents. Purpose, focus, and clarity will illuminate your heart’s passions.

  • Scorpio: The next two decades revolve around home, life, and connection with family as Pluto enters Aquarius. Give yourself room for emotional growth as Pluto migrates into Aquarius and your solar fourth house. This cosmic climate will illuminate cycles in your family tree, helping you see what's been carried down. Share precious moments and milestones.

  • Sagittarius: The universe is all about cycles, and with Pluto entering Aquarius as well as your solar third house, you’ll start to notice shifts in the way you think, communicate and learn. Though you can simplify complex ideas with your naturally curious and explorative nature, now might be a good time to revisit basic knowledge or communication methods.

  • Capricorn: with Pluto in Aquarius, developments around income and values illuminate two decades. Recognize fears without letting them drive you. Discover hidden talents, eliminate superficial feelings, and abandon self-doubt. Pluto migrates into Aquarius and the sector of your chart that governs materialism and money.

  • Aquarius: You’ll feel Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius more than any other zodiac member. You are the dearest water bearer while the planet of death and rebirth passes through your sign. Expect intense waves throughout the next two decades as the stars try to help you gain status, popularity, and a sense of empowerment. Pluto reconnects you with your core purpose in a special lifetime milestone transit for Aquarians.

  • Pisces: Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius shines light into darkness. Prepare for major epiphanies throughout the coming years. Honesty, integrity, and reconciliation will increase over the next 20 years. This planetary placement will demand that you look honestly at your life. Expand your connections with nature, love, and spirituality.

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Paula Lacey
Paula Lacey
Mar 24, 2023

We are truly blessed to be here ❤️☀️

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