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Autumn Equinox

As the wheel of the year turns once more, we find ourselves on the threshold of the Autumn Equinox — a sacred moment where day & night are held in perfect balance. This seasonal shift marks a profound time of reflection & transformation, inviting us to honor the cycles of nature & the inner changes that mirror them. As the vibrant colors of fall emerge & the air turns crisp, the energy around us begins to slow, encouraging us to pause, release, & express gratitude for the harvest — both literal & spiritual. In this season of balance, we are reminded that just as nature prepares for rest, so too must we honor our own rhythms, embracing the opportunity to reflect on the past year’s growth & prepare for the inward journey ahead.

The Autumn Equinox, also known as Mabon in some spiritual traditions, occurs when the sun crosses the celestial equator, creating a moment of perfect equilibrium between day & night. It marks the official start of fall in the Northern Hemisphere & is a time when the energies of balance, reflection, & transition are at their peak.

Spiritually, the Autumn Equinox is seen as a time to honor both the light & the dark within & around us — the light of the sun that has guided us through the year & the dark that now grows as we move toward winter. It symbolizes the harvest, not just of crops, but of our personal efforts & intentions. The word Equinox comes from Latin origin, meaning “equality of night & day.” Recognizing this duality can help us find a sense of balance within our lives & within ourselves, because it is duality that makes us whole. We can connect to this harmony by spending time in nature, honoring the earth, & bringing balance & harmony into our being.

We are invited to pause, look back on the seeds we’ve planted — whether in relationships, goals, or spiritual growth — & acknowledge what has come to fruition. As we give thanks for the abundance in our lives, the Equinox also encourages us to release what no longer serves us, making space for deeper introspection as we prepare for the more introspective months ahead.

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Autumn Equinox Prayer

“Spirit of the Earth,

In this sacred moment of balance,

We give thanks for the gifts of the harvest.

For the abundance around us,

For the lessons learned,

& for the love that sustains.

As the days grow shorter & the nights grow long,

Help us find peace in the slowing rhythms of nature,

& guide us to release all that no longer serves our highest good.

May we walk with grace through the changing seasons,

Grounded in gratitude, open to growth,

& in harmony with the light & the shadow within.

Bless this time of reflection,

& may we find balance in our hearts,

As the Earth finds hers in the dance of the sun & moon.

With love & trust, we welcome the blessings of fall.

So it is.”

Spiritually, our body & senses can feel the change of the season, even before we see the seasonal change with our eyes. Many ancient Indigenous cultures believed that the four seasonal changes that occur throughout the year, are not just physical changes we experience in our environment, but on our spiritual journey as well. This is recognized as Earth-based wisdom, & that each Solstice & Equinox illuminates a new stage within our spiritual path. This can be considered to be a spiritual cycle that each individual encounters within their inner self.

Autumn is a time to appreciate the harvest, both literal & spiritual, to pause, reflect & find a sense of balance. By saying spiritual harvest, we are referring to the sacred spiritual seeds of our goals, dreams, efforts, & intentions. Part of celebrating the Equinox is by acknowledging the growth & transformation of our organic being, our spiritual self. Just as our environment changes, so do our lives - We go collectively through cycles of growth, transformation, harvest, death, & rebirth. By honoring ourselves, not only do we acknowledge our own growth & light within, but the ancient wisdom that our ancestors have passed down to us for generations.

Themes & Highlights of the Autumn Equinox

The energy surrounding the Autumn Equinox is one of balance, gratitude, & transition. It offers us an opportunity to reflect on the year’s journey, release the old, & welcome a season of deep inner growth & peace.

  • Balance & Harmony: The Autumn Equinox is a moment of perfect equilibrium, where day & night are equal in length. This balance of light & dark reflects the need for balance in our own lives — between action & rest, giving & receiving, & the external & internal worlds.

  • Reflection & Gratitude: As the Equinox marks the harvest season, it is a time to reflect on the past months. What have you cultivated? What efforts & intentions have come to fruition? This is the season to express gratitude for all that has grown in your life — whether that’s relationships, personal growth, or material abundance.

  • Release & Letting Go: Just as the trees begin to shed their leaves, the Autumn Equinox encourages us to release what no longer serves us. Whether it's old habits, limiting beliefs, or emotional burdens, this is a time to let go & create space for deeper inner work as the year winds down.

  • Transition & Change: The shift from summer to fall is symbolic of transformation. As the energy around us begins to slow down, the Equinox invites us to embrace change & adapt to the natural rhythms of life. It’s a reminder that change, while sometimes uncomfortable, is a necessary part of growth.

  • Turning Inward: With the longer nights & shorter days, we are naturally drawn inward, both physically & spiritually. The Equinox marks the beginning of a more introspective time — where self-discovery, reflection, & inner healing become central themes as we prepare for the quieter winter months.

  • Abundance & Harvest: The equinox represents the culmination of hard work & effort, symbolizing the harvest of all that we have sown over the year. It is a time to honor the abundance in our lives, celebrate achievements, & recognize the blessings that surround us.

  • Grounding & Stability: The earthy energy of fall offers a sense of grounding & stability. As the natural world begins to slow down, we are encouraged to root ourselves in the present moment, to find calm & centeredness amidst life’s transitions.

  • Connection to Nature: Autumn is a beautiful reminder of nature’s cycles. The falling leaves, changing colors, & cool breeze invite us to deepen our connection to the Earth & align ourselves with its wisdom & constant transformation.

Ways to Celebrate & Honor the Autumn Equinox

  • Create an Altar for the Season: Set up a sacred space with items that symbolize fall, such as leaves, acorns, pumpkins, apples, candles, & crystals. Use this space for meditation, reflection, or setting intentions for the coming months.

  • Perform a Gratitude Ritual: Reflect on the harvest in your life — both physical & spiritual. Write down everything you're grateful for & place it on your altar or bury it in the Earth as an offering of thanks. This can help you honor the abundance that surrounds you.

  • Let Go Ceremony: Just as trees shed their leaves, the Equinox is a powerful time to release what no longer serves you. Write down old habits, emotions, or thoughts that you’re ready to let go of, then burn the paper in a fire-safe dish as a symbol of release & transformation.

  • Take a Nature Walk: Connect with the shifting energy of the Earth by going on a mindful walk in nature. Observe the changing colors, falling leaves, & crisp air. Let the balance of light & dark in the natural world remind you of the need for balance in your own life.

  • Balance Meditation: Practice a meditation focused on balance & harmony. Visualize the light & dark within yourself finding equilibrium, & reflect on how you can bring more balance into your relationships, work, & spiritual life.

  • Host a Harvest Feast: The Equinox marks the harvest season, so celebrate with a meal featuring seasonal foods like apples, squash, pumpkins, root vegetables, & grains. Invite friends or loved ones and share what you’re grateful for around the table.

  • Set Intentions for the Season Ahead: With the energy of transition & change, take some time to set intentions for the fall season. What do you want to focus on as the days grow shorter? What personal or spiritual goals would you like to cultivate during this more introspective time?

  • Journaling and Reflection: The Equinox is a great time to journal about your personal harvest — what have you accomplished or learned in the past few months? What are you ready to release? Reflect on how you can bring more balance into your daily life.

  • Create a Balance Mandala: Use natural elements like leaves, stones, flowers, or seeds to create a mandala outdoors or on your altar. The act of arranging these elements in a balanced, symmetrical way can be a meditative process that symbolizes harmony & connection with nature.

  • Light a Candle: As the days become shorter, lighting a candle can symbolize the light within that will guide you through the darker months. Use this time for quiet reflection, prayer, or meditation to honor the balance of light & dark within yourself & in the world.

  • Donate or Share Abundance: Since the Equinox is a time of harvest & gratitude, consider donating food, clothing, or money to those in need. Sharing your abundance is a beautiful way to honor the spirit of the season & spread light during this time of change.

Crystals to Use for the Autumn Equinox

These crystals can help ground, uplift, & protect your energy as you embrace the transformation & introspection of fall!

  • Smoky Quartz: A powerful grounding stone, Smoky Quartz helps release negative energy, promotes stability, & protects against emotional overwhelm as we transition into the quieter months.

  • Carnelian: Known as the stone of motivation & courage, Carnelian aligns with the vibrant, earthy hues of autumn. It boosts creativity, revitalizes energy, & aids in embracing new beginnings while letting go of the past.

  • Citrine: As a stone of abundance & manifestation, Citrine is perfect for fall, aligning with the harvest season. It encourages gratitude for life’s blessings & helps attract prosperity & positivity.

  • Tiger’s Eye: A stone of personal power & confidence, Tiger’s Eye offers protection, insight, & clarity. It balances emotional energies & helps ground & center you during the shift from light to dark.

  • Moss Agate: With its connection to nature & growth, Moss Agate brings healing & nurturing energy. It promotes emotional balance, spiritual growth, & encourages patience, helping you harmonize with the slower pace of fall.

  • Labradorite: Labradorite is ideal for working with heightened intuition during the fall. It enhances spiritual insight, strengthens your connection to other realms, & helps you navigate change with clarity.

  • Obsidian: As a protective stone, Obsidian helps in releasing past traumas & energetic blockages. It offers deep grounding & promotes introspection, making it an excellent tool for fall’s inward journey.

Welcoming in Libra Season

As the Autumn Equinox brings balance to day & night, we also enter Libra season, a time ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty, & harmony. Libra, represented by the scales, emphasizes equilibrium in all areas of life, making this season one of reflection, connection, & peace. The energy of Libra season encourages us to focus on relationships, both with others & within ourselves, seeking harmony, fairness, & understanding. It’s a powerful time to nurture partnerships, resolve conflicts, & reflect on how we give & receive love & support.

Just as the Equinox symbolizes balance in nature, Libra season reminds us to find balance in our personal interactions & in the way we care for ourselves. As Libra season aligns with the Autumn Equinox, it brings the perfect opportunity to focus on balance — both in our inner world & outer relationships. This harmonious energy encourages us to cultivate peace, beauty, & fairness in all aspects of life.

~ Happy Equinox Blessings!

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